Armour Battles:
- The stalemate over the Veghel and Son bridges was finally
broken by the Allies, as Andy and his assisting airpower and Shermans pushed up
the road and comprehensively shoved Pete off the Veghel Bridge. The Germans being fortunate to be able to retreat
with their firestorm troops in good order towards the Grave Bridge.
- No such joy for the firestorm units led by Mark on the
Gemert Road, with Rich’s Shermans swarming around them like wasps with camo and
75mm guns. Both the FlaK36 unit and
armoured panzergrenadiers were wiped out along with the German presence as the
Allies recaptured this link towards Nijmegen.
- Fortunately for the Germans salvation was at hand in the
form of a Panther battalion (Ben) which stormed both the Veghel Bridge, and the
Venray Road as well to restore some stability in the German front line.
Airborne Battles:
- The cut off British paras finally succumbed to low morale
and numbers as Dafydd’s Germans reclaimed Arnhem Bridge against Ians Allied
force, and only just held on to their drop zones north west of the town against
strong attacks by more of Ben’s armour (defeat for Aidan for the third time in
a night, but not enough to overrun the drop zones).
- Dennis, so regularly a thorn in the German sides, reverted
to his natural calling and left James Underwood ruing this change of heart as
he captured the Uden Road from the 101st Airborne, just about
maintaining the German supply lines along the central areas towards the Veghel
Luckily for the Allies this was the moment the weather
cleared, and supplies rained from the heavens, with the besieged Brits and
yanks both on the receiving end of containers of new hats, and a further unit
of the 82nd Airborne dropped in beside the Grave Bridge. The 101st used their newfound
ammunition to ‘exploit’ and cut the Heesh Road, while British Shermans swept in
from the East and captured the Erp and Vokel Roads, effectively cutting off the
German front line troops around Veghel Bridge.
The Germans began massing troops outside of Einhoven with a pincer
movement in mind to rescue the situation, while more and more heavy tanks
poured into Arnhem and Nijmegen.
British paras about to be ousted from Arnhem Bridge. |
Flames on the Gemert Road. |
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Situation Maps - End of Turn 4
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